做饭是女人的事 英语辩论会
Good evening everyone,today we debate about whether cooking is women‘s business.Our opinion is negative.Actually,as family members,everyone should do some housework ,more or less.This is everyone's responsibility,not women or some other else.Now I will explain our opinion.
Firstly,cooking is family's common duty.No matter you role as hunband ,children ,or parents,share housework is necessary to them .
Secondly,Everyone in a family should be treated equal.Cooking is noe just women's business.Why we should live with our femily?Because we need to take care of each other,when we need other" help.If not,women could take care themselves well,why they need their family?
The last but not least,women have a right to refuse cooking everyday for family.It is a wrong view of cooking is women's business.No doubted that our chinese traditon thought that cooking is women's responsibility.But do you think is good for our society today?When we appeal to respect women ,we should respect their right at first.
According to the discuss above ,in conclusion,we stand the opinion that cooking is not women's bussine.
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