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Dear Sir/Ms.
I’m hesitating whether to tell you that thing which makes me feel like falling into the hell.
In Dec, 2005, I got a boy friend. Whether you remember it, I told you this once in a call.
It’s that man who was involved in a financial fraud involving a large amount in the end of summer in 2006. He was really a sly dog, and ran out of the police man’s sight, but they got me in our lodgment finally. At that time, I exactly had no idea with what had happened.
The police man took me and locked me up. They planed to take me as bait, because my boy friend’s former employees told them I had close relation with him, even somebody indicated that we were lovers.
After that, I was locked up for a whole month, and I didn’t know whether he had been caught yet. Though I was innocent, I became a suspect and was put into the detention house which was designed for suspect. If you know China mainland, you may ever heard of that.
The month passed in the detention house was really the most suffering time in my life. It’s dirty and dark there.
From then on, I’ve never seen my boy friend, and I can’t contact him. I also don’t know if he has been caught by the police.
This is my blog address: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
All the pictures including the back ground pictures are designed and make on my own. The music is from my favorite singers: a gifted French girl, a popular Japanese queen of heaven, and the father of R&B in China.
As you will come to my hometown, I’m a little nervous, because I’ve had a bad mental status since that thing happened. I feel so exhausted, and sometimes I stay in home for several months. I think maybe my appearance also have become bad.
Thank you for watching so much words of me.
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